Mexico – San Juan Chamula, a Unique Place


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Indigenous girl portrait

The fact that it is such a peculiar place and with such a different way of life, makes Chamula and its people very attractive to anyone who takes photographs.

But things are not exactly easy at this level.

People are reserved about taking pictures, especially if it involves religious practices or even portraits. Taking out the camera and starting to take portraits can be frowned upon and result in problems.

We were warned by Raul (our local guide) about the places and circumstances where we could and could not photograph/film. Therefore, we had to respect the context and register in our memory what could not be registered in images.

Visiting the cemetery

Old church in Chamula

We began by visiting the cemetery, with ground-level graves decorated with pine needles and flowers because it was the time of the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico, and with wooden crosses, most of them painted green.

It is here that we first encounter the mixture of indigenous culture, and what may have been the attempt to impose Hispanic culture.

And I say “attempt”, because as it was explained to us, it never actually happened. For the indigenous communities, placing a cross on the graves does not have the same representation that it has for Catholics.

During the Spanish invasions and the attempt to evangelize the people, this indigenous community was forced to convert in order to survive, or at least, that was the colonizers’ intention.

However, this conversion was only “for the Spanish to see”.

They placed the crosses on the graves and in the places of worship, it is true, but for them this element represents the indication of the 4 cardinal points, it effectively represents the link between heaven and earth, but it does not have the religious connotation given by Catholicism.

Inside the abandoned church

Chamula is a cultural melting pot that leaves no one indifferent. From the Mayas to the Zapatistas, this is a place of rebellion, resistance, and survival of a people.

We strolled through the streets of the village, where we came across people who looked at us shyly, without much interaction. Not that they are not used to tourists, because they are, but because they like to preserve their privacy. After so much historical invasion, who can blame them?

The house of the guardian

It was then that Raul took us to the house of the guardian of Chamula’s patron saint. We entered a sort of garage adapted to a place of worship. From what we could tell, it was a single room, with a window on each side of the door and chairs lined up underneath.

At the entrance, right in front of the door, there was a table, with candles and lots of incense burning, glasses of water for the pilgrims, and pox, the traditional alcoholic drink of the region made from corn, sugar cane and wheat.

From the table to the front was a curtain made of greenery, composed of tree branches and eucalyptus. Honestly, it was as dense vegetation inside as the smoke from the burning incense, and I could see little inside.

I could only glimpse the outline of a figure standing on an altar in the middle of the grove. After listening to the explanations about what was being done there, we were given a purification with incense, one by one we inhaled the smoke to cleanse “the inner evils” and were given pox to taste.

Needless to say, there is no record of this moment because it was not allowed, yet a small introduction to what we were going to find in the church of Chamula was made.

The Zocalo

After this moment we continued walking through the town, and it was then that we arrived at the Central Square. This is where you will find the market, the courthouse and the other official buildings, as well as the famous Church of St. John the Baptist.

Just like the religious building where unconventional practices occur, the courthouse here is anything but conventional. Chamula has its own laws, its own court, its own security force, its own rules, which, it is said, not even the Mexican supreme court dares to question.

The open-air court is presided over by high-ranking figures from the indigenous community, and the trials take place in the public square, so that everyone can learn from each other’s cases. According to a billboard in an adjoining area, the most heavily punished crimes are theft and rape.

Church of Saint John the Baptist

And finally, we have the extraordinary Church of Saint John the Baptist, the church that, although it has saints inside and has even been visited by a Pope, is not recognized by the Vatican.

Its exterior has architectural features that remind us of the Catholic churches of the colonial era, but there is a whole symbology of painting and color that makes us understand the religious mixture that lives there.

Once again, no pictures are allowed inside the church from the door, but if there is one thing that will be forever etched in my memory, it is this church.

Church of Saint John the Baptist

Entering the Chamula Church is like traveling to a parallel universe, it’s like passing through a portal like the ones we see in science fiction movies.

Inside, the light is dim and diffuse, coming in only timidly through the windows and radiating from the hundreds of lit candles. The air is heavy with incense smoke and the floor is covered with pine needle pine.

There are no benches, the walls are covered with figures of Catholic saints inside glass cases, and in front of them are tables full of burning candles, like small altars dedicated to them.

Those who arrive, usually in groups of family members, open a small clearing in the pine forest and sit on the surrounding ground, light the candles on the ground and go about performing their rituals, in a continuous litany in tzotzil, while drinking pox or coke.

It is believed there that anything that makes you burp, makes the evil spirits leave your body, and as such, coke is the “perfect exorcist”.

Together with the families seeking treatment of the body or salvation of the soul, it is possible to find eggs and chickens, the latter at some point, if the healer deems it necessary, will be sacrificed.

It is indescribable, the energy one feels in this place, so different from everything else.

The mix between the sacred universe and the indigenous traditions, perpetuated with the presence of healers who accompany the families and perform their pagan rituals in front of Catholic saints that have mirrors on their chests.

And why do the saints have mirrors on their chests? Because when one asks for salvation looking at them, the mirror reflects the image of the one asking, and thus, the person understands that salvation is in oneself. Pertinent, isn’t it?

When I left the church, I couldn’t articulate a word.

Not because I am impressionable about what I saw inside, nor because I am a religious person, but because that so strong energy, that monotonous litany, the intense smell of pine needle, incense and candles, that “going back in time”, the ancestral healing practices, made me think that, in fact, despite our differences, we are all the same.

Those who have faith, always have, regardless of the “saint” they believe in.

The people

Verónica, the kids and I

I sat down on the sidewalk in the churchyard and Veronica came up to me. She was selling the traditional dolls, made by her.

Like Veronica, there are dozens of locals selling handicrafts.

We spent a long time trading the dolls and chatting. This is always what really interests me when traveling, getting to know other ways of life and exchanging experiences. I give little importance to buying souvenirs, but I give a lot to coming back with memories.

We asked each other the usual questions, and when I asked her how old she was, she looked at me and said she was the same age as me. Clearly she didn’t know how old she is and wanted us to be the same, and we are! We are equal in the fundamentals.

I like to know equality in difference, and so does she. She is curious about perceiving the world beyond her universe, and so am I. At the end, I asked her if we could take a picture, and she agreed.

Needless to say, I bought her 2 dolls that probably cost me the price of 5, but I didn’t care.

There are things that money can’t buy and having the privilege of sharing humanity is one of them.


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Retrato de menina indígena

O facto de ser um local tão peculiar e com uma forma de vida tão diferente, faz com que Chamula e o seu povo sejam muito atrativos para quem fotografa. Mas as coisas não são propriamente fáceis a este nível.

As pessoas são reservadas quanto ao registo de imagens, em especial se isso implicar práticas religiosas ou até mesmo retratos. Sacar da máquina e desatar a tirar retratos pode não ser bem visto e resultar em problemas.

Estávamos avisados pelo Raul (o nosso guia local) sobre os sítios e circunstâncias onde podíamos ou não fotografar/filmar. Assim sendo, havia que respeitar o contexto e registar na memória aquilo que não era possível registar em imagens.

Visita ao cemitério

Antiga igreja de Chamula

Começámos por visitar o cemitério, com campas térreas decoradas com caruma e flores, por ser época das celebrações do Dia dos Mortos no Mexico, e com cruzes de madeira, a maioria pintadas de verde.

É aqui que nos deparamos pela primeira vez com a mistura da cultura indígena, e aquilo que terá sido a tentativa de imposição da cultura hispânica.

E digo “tentativa”, porque tal como nos foi explicado, a mesma nunca aconteceu efetivamente. Para as comunidades indígenas, colocar uma cruz nas campas não tem a mesma representação que tem para os católicos.

Aquando das invasões espanholas e da tentativa de evangelização dos povos, esta comunidade indígena viu-se obrigada a converter-se para sobreviver, ou pelo menos, era essa a intenção dos colonizadores.

No entanto, essa conversão foi apenas “para espanhol ver”.

Colocaram as cruzes nas campas e nos locais de culto, é certo, mas para eles este elemento representa a indicação dos 4 pontos cardeais, representa efetivamente a ligação entre o céu e a terra, mas não tem a conotação religiosa dada pelo catolicismo.

Interior da igreja abandonada

Chamula é um caldeirão cultural que não deixa ninguém indiferente. Dos Maias aos Zapatistas, este é um lugar de rebelião, resistência e sobrevivência de um povo.

Fomos passeando pelas ruas da vila, onde nos íamos cruzando com as pessoas que nos olhavam timidamente, sem grande interação.

Não que não estejam habituados a turistas, porque estão, mas porque gostam de preservar a sua privacidade. Depois de tanta invasão histórica, quem os pode recriminar?

Casa da guardiã da padroeira de Chamula

Foi então que o Raul nos levou à casa da guardiã da padroeira de Chamula. Entrámos numa espécie de garagem adaptada a local de culto.

Daquilo que dava para perceber, era uma divisão única, com uma janela de cada lado da porta e cadeiras alinhadas por baixo das mesmas.

Na entrada, mesmo de frente da porta havia uma mesa, com velas e muito incenso a queimar, copos de água para os peregrinos e pox, a bebida alcoólica tradicional da região feita de milho, cana de açúcar e trigo.

Da mesa para a frente havia uma cortina feita de verdura, composta de ramos de árvore e eucalipto. Honestamente, era tão densa a vegetação no interior, como o fumo do incenso que queimava e pouco consegui ver lá para dentro.

Apenas consegui vislumbrar os contornos de uma figura que estava num altar no meio do arvoredo. Depois de ouvir as explicações sobre o que ali se fazia, fizeram-nos uma depuração com o incenso, um a um inspirámos o fumo para limpar “os males interiores” e deram-nos pox a provar.

Escusado será dizer que não há registo deste momento porque não era permitido, ainda assim, estava feita uma pequena apresentação àquilo que iriamos encontrar na igreja de Chamula.

O Zocalo

Depois deste momento continuámos a percorrer a localidade e foi então que chegámos à Praça Central. É aqui que se encontram o mercado, o tribunal e os restantes edifícios oficiais, para além da tão famosa Igreja de São João Baptista.

À semelhança do edifício religioso onde ocorrem práticas pouco convencionais, também o tribunal aqui é tudo menos convencional. Chamula tem leis próprias, um tribunal próprio, uma força de segurança própria, regras próprias, que segundo consta, nem o supremo tribunal mexicano se atreve a questionar.

O tribunal, a céu aberto, é presidido por altas figuras da comunidade indígena e os julgamentos acontecem em praça pública, para que todos possam ter como lição os casos dos outros.

De acordo com um placard que se encontrava numa zona contígua, os crimes cuja pena é mais pesada são os de furto e violação.

Igreja de São João Baptista

Igreja de São João Baptista

E por fim, temos a extraordinária Igreja de São João Baptista, a igreja que, embora tenha santos lá dentro, e até já tenha tido a visita de um Papa, não é reconhecida pelo Vaticano.

O seu exterior tem características arquitetónicas que nos remetem para as igrejas católicas da época colonial, mas há toda uma simbologia de pintura e de cor que fazem perceber a mescla religiosa que ali se vive.

Mais uma vez, da porta para dentro não é permitido fazer qualquer tipo de registo de imagens, mas se há coisa que me vai ficar para sempre gravada na memória, é esta igreja.

Entrar na Igreja de Chamula é viajar para um universo paralelo, é como passar num portal daqueles que vemos nos filmes de ficção científica.

Lá dentro a luz é pouca e difusa, entrando apenas timidamente pelas janelas e irradiando das centenas de velas acesas. O ar é pesado do fumo do incenso e o chão está coberto de caruma de pinheiro.

Não há bancos, as paredes estão tapadas pelas figuras dos santos católicos que se encontram dentro de caixas de vidro e na sua frente estão mesas repletas de velas a queimar, em jeito de pequenos altares dedicados aos mesmos.

Quem chega, geralmente em grupos de familiares, abre uma pequena clareira na caruma e senta-se no chão em seu redor, acende as velas no chão e vai fazendo os seus rituais, numa continua ladainha em tzotzil, enquanto bebe pox ou coca-cola.

Ali acredita-se que tudo o que faz arrotar, faz sair os espíritos maus do corpo e, como tal, a coca-cola é o “perfeito exorcista”. Junto com as famílias que buscam tratamento do corpo ou salvação da alma, é possível encontrar ovos e galinhas, estas últimas em dado momento, se o curandeiro julgar necessário, serão sacrificadas.

É indiscritível a energia que se sente neste lugar tão diferente de tudo. O misto entre o universo sagrado e as tradições indígenas, perpetuadas com a presença dos curandeiros que acompanham as famílias e fazem os seus rituais pagãos em frente a santos católicos que têm espelhos no peito.

E porque é que os santos têm espelhos no peito? Porque quando se pede a salvação a olhar para eles, o espelho reflete a imagem de quem pede, e assim, a pessoa entende que a salvação está em si mesmo. Pertinente, não é?

Quando saí da igreja estive um bocadinho sem conseguir articular palavra. Não porque seja impressionável relativamente ao que vi lá dentro, nem porque seja uma pessoa religiosa, mas porque aquela energia tão forte, aquela ladainha monocórdica, o cheiro intenso a caruma, incenso e velas, aquele “andar para trás no tempo”, as práticas ancestrais de curandice, me fizeram pensar que, de facto, não obstante as nossas diferenças, somos todos iguais.

Quem tem fé, tem sempre, independentemente do “santo” em que se acredita.

As pessoas

Verónica e eu

Sentei-me no passeio do adro da igreja e a Verónica veio ter comigo. Estava a vender as bonecas tradicionais, feitas por ela.

Como a Verónica, há dezenas de habitantes locais a vender artesanato. Estivemos um bom tempo a negociar as bonecas e a conversar.

É sempre isto que de facto me interessa nas viagens, conhecer outras formas de vida e trocar experiências.

Dou pouca importância a comprar lembranças, mas dou muita a voltar com memórias.

Fizemos as perguntas do costume uma à outra, e quando lhe perguntei a idade, olhou para mim e disse que tinha a mesma idade que eu.

Claramente não sabia quantos anos tem e queria que fossemos iguais, e somos! Somos iguais no fundamental. Eu gosto de conhecer a igualdade na diferença e ela também.

Ela tem curiosidade em perceber o mundo para além do seu universo, e eu também. No final, pedi-lhe para tirarmos uma fotografia e ela acedeu.

Escusado será dizer que lhe comprei 2 bonecas que me custaram, provavelmente, o preço de 5, mas não quis saber.

Há coisas que o dinheiro não paga e ter o privilégio de partilhar humanidade, é uma delas.

Clica na imagem para obter o desconto

19 thoughts on “Mexico – San Juan Chamula, a Unique Place”

  1. Pingback: Mexico »

  2. What a culturally rich experience you had, so unlike most trips to Mexico. To us Canadians, Mexico is our cheap and easy winter escape – but to all-inclusive resorts. I would much rather have your experience. I love that you had a tour guide, Raul, sounds like he provided a memorable experience, and as you said, no photos- only memories and stories to pass on.

    1. “Clearly she didn’t know how old she is and wanted us to be the same, and we are! We are equal in the fundamentals.” This sentence remains in my mind. Something that we should never forget: we are equal!

  3. Such a pity that you weren’t allowed to take photos for us to see the interiors etc. I’ve had the same experience on my travels and whilst I always respect their wishes, I feel sad that I don’t have any physical image to look back on and enjoy, or show friends the splendours that I have seen.
    The trip was definitely one of experience, that you clearly enjoyed and left a deep impression on – those are the best ones I find

    1. It is possible to find on the internet some photographic and video records of the interior of the church, however I did not want to disrespect the culture…nor put my integrity at risk, since there are reports of situations that did not go well for those who prevaricated. Anyway, it is a teaser for other travelers to go there and see for themselves

  4. It sounds like this trip really meant a lot and was so unique from a cultural point of view. I really like learning about traditions and loved reading about your experiences here. Interesting about the coke being basically an exorcist to expel spirits. It was so nice to read about your interactions with locals too, something that is way more memorable than any picture in my opinion

  5. Chamula Church looks stunning! I love that shade of green with the white, it looks so regal! I love that you got more insight into the culture of San Juan Chamula. That’s the part of travel that really impacts us and is so meaningful!

    1. Chamula is a unique place, in culture, religion and people. And visiting this church is an unforgettable experience for anyone visiting the communities of Chiapas. Interacting with people is always what moves me to visit less common places, it is these experiences that open our minds and hearts.

  6. I have been to ceveral different oarts rgat differ in culture and religion. This is what I find fascinating about this country. I have yet to experience this. I need a ton of cake to dispell the demons. I would have loved to experience this.

    1. Mexico is a very culturally rich country and it is a shame that most people only go to the coastal areas and visit the more touristy Pueblos Magicos. It is well worth exploring Mexico beyond the obvious.

  7. Pingback: Chiapas – The Forgotten State of Mexico »

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